Baker River

June 16, 2011 in: General, Gold Locations

Was up in Plymouth the last 2 days with Elizabeth at her college orientation and drove over to the Baker River in Rumney. Some nice color there!!! Found a bridge over the river that was pretty much untouched. I like the Baker River now!!!

4 Responses to Baker River

  1. that’s good news it is so much closer to my home. i’m going to the am with my dad for the weekend but maybe i can do a few pans on the way home see if i have any luck there.

  2. prospectorjack says:

    I was up by Wentworth last year on the Baker river and did some test panning the river was high and it was raining, I did find some color though.

  3. Interesting article about prospecting NH., wondering if you have prospected the 118 end of Warren or not?

    • Jim Somers says:

      I did try a spot near Warren where there is a boat launch just after the Elementary school. Got a little gold in my first pan there! Is there a better location in Warren?