January Outing

November 21, 2011 in: Prospecting Outings, The Wild AM

The Wild AM in January

There has been some interest in heading up the the Wild AM Jan 2nd. Heidi and I were up there last year and it was a really eye-opening day for sure. Here is the post from last winter: http://www.wheretofindgold.us/2011/01/02/winter-prospecting-in-new-england-hell-yea/

So if you are interested in going up give us a yell!

10 Responses to January Outing

  1. Hi. I would be interested in prospecting in January. I have never prospected in New Hampshire before.

    • jacobpan says:

      Brian, not sure on dates yet but I usually get up there the first week of January. You should try to contact Twin River Campground in Bath and ask permission to prospect on their land along Rte. 112. You can tell them I’ll be up there also. Jim

  2. David says:

    Pending on work I would be interested.
    Jim did you end up heading up river into the state forest this past July? What do you think would happen if they catch me using a 4′ sluice instead of the 3′ that is allowed?

    • jacobpan says:

      Not sure, but they may slap you with a fine. It isn’t worth the risk really. They are trying to keep things from getting out of hand in the WMNF, which is a good idea. I think they should keep it to panning only…there are enough other richer locations and we got to keep some of the rivers free from getting torn up!

  3. jacobpan says:

    Hoping to head up on Jan. 2nd depending on the weather. Contact me if you may want to join me…bring some waterproof, warm gloves!!!

  4. jacobpan says:

    I believe you can run a sluice up to 3 feet long in the WMNF now.

    • Pete says:

      Hmmm nah i dont think so bud…….unless some laws have changed significantly.Everything i have read says pan only.It makes a HUGE difference in the amount of people going to prospect if sluice is allowed.I better make some phone calls to check,that would be SWEET! Peter Sr.

      • jacobpan says:

        Pete, here is a link to the WMNF doc about sluicing: http://tinyurl.com/85phv6x

        “ยท Only hand tools are permitted. The use of power, mechanized equipment, or explosives
        for recreational collecting of geologic resources, including gold recovery activities is
        prohibited. This includes sluice boxes (larger than 3 feet), rocker boxes and dredges.”